Our planned greece vacation was only two days away and we were pleased and already much looking foreward, when on the way to work our bus died five times without evident reason. The called mechanic could unfortunately give us no reason, however he prognosticated a dying clutch. A favorable mechanic was organized five hours and at least 40 calls and a shifted departure later. Finally we made it to Venice. Arriving some hours too early, we decided to investigate Venice. Off the strongly frequented ways we discovered some very beautiful lanes, places and the best Gelateria in the whole world.

After 25 hours of ferry we arrived at Igoumenitsa where we drove the west coast in direction Syvota and found a nice place for staying overnight. On the next morning at breakfast we decided to look at the first flight area inlands in direction of Ioannina. Thus we made ourselves on the way to Paramythia, a village half way between Igoumenitsa and Ioannina. At Paramythia we looked for persons who would describe the way to the take off. Finding the city hall already emerged as a small Odysee, and noone there apparently knew who, what and how. Also in the city hall no one spoke English, German, Italian or French. We were quite surprised as a waitress, who brought a few Frapee coffees for the officials, tried to help with her German. Unfortunately also this did not lead to desired success and we started the search ourselfes. Following our instinct, a wind sock appeared -Hallelujia -before our eyes. It lead us to the take off approx. 180 meters higher. Against our expectations it a dream take off facing west. Surprised about this beautiful take off (meadow put on) and due to suitable wind we unpacked immediately our gliders and looked forward to a beautiful flight. Completely excited, like a small child I saw my Antea the first time in full splendour - apart from the beautiful Design I was completely enthusiastic about the handling. Finally I was allowed the first time under my new wing. Franzi positioned himself with the camera and gave me instructions where I should fly, so that he can make good shots. Suddenly I felt wind in the neck and started. A few seconds later I was already in air and followed the ridge in direction south. Already 100 meters further I could make the first turn and I climbed. It didn’t take long and Franzi was allowed to see my canvas from bottom side- which he probably took as cause to start as well. At first he went down a bit, he had troubles climbing, but eventually he could climb slowly. After some time Franzi had joined me. I flew on some more to the south and after approximately 40 minutes I decided to land. Franzi landed top, packed and came down to the landing point. After this beautiful flight and with grummling stomach we cooked dinner. A few friends from Ternberg suddenly came up the road. Thus we ended the evening as well as a few beers.

„Make hay while the sun shines. “ An intelligent wisdom. If you’re prezelt up over 2000m, then one would like to think it will continue each day in such a way. Well. It came differently. Logically if you are in Greece there is a romantic sunset at the sea on the food plan. And after all! The sea! Thus a Soaringspot was targeted and driven to. Arrived at Vrachos Franzi got a glide and Stefanie got to soar in the evening. And actually - very romantic. The night brings thrill. In the middle in the darkness a something slides alongside the bus door. I start up. Do I imagine that? There! A bump at the door. That must be however a large animal. I shut my eyes. Go away you to stupid beast! And again something touches at the bus. Decided to safe Stefanie and my manly honour I sit up and thresh from the inside against the bus wall. Stefanie raises: „Franzi, is the towel, which flutters in the wind! “Well. The next morning gives a pretty gliding flight to Stefanie and afterwards with reviving south wind a thermal flight of the special class for me. Almost in landing approach I find small lift, which shifts me with little height gain over the flat hills in direction north. Shortly afterwards for the first time I cycle over flat country. In a big half circle slowly, but constantly I climb from 220m on 997m with approx. 5km disalignment. I jodle my joy out. After some further thermals I land top. Such a nice flight! Due to the south wind Stefanie did not want to fly. So I start again and I climb to 600m, then over the sea and switch on a program: Wingover, SAT, Vrille etc.… up to the stretched header into the soft sand. Oops? [Stefanie]
The subsequent day the south wind made us leave to Lefkada. As the first stop Kathisma was aimed at - a Soaringspot on 120 m directly at the sea. The wind came from southwest - perhaps somewhat too weak to soar, but we wanted to try it in any case. Due to an old report we expected a dream take off with mats - and what did we find? A steep slope, with a ripped to pieces mat, interspersed from small boulders. I started nevertheless, on this somewhat very special take off and hey, shortly afterwards climbed. A few minutes later also Franzi hit the sky and we enjoyed this beautiful flight. After about one hour flight and 200 photos later I landed and packed my things and made myself on the way upwards. Meanwhile Franzi decided to topland and he selected a beautiful meadow with many thorns and thistles. Only by skillful ground handling he could free himself and his glider from this uncomfortable situation. On half way up our bus already came to meet me. Suddenly orange glider emerged in the sky and completely unexpectedly we met Andreas, an acquaintance of Franzi. With Andreas and Biene we let the day end in a tavern.

If you know a flying local, nothing more can go wrong. The selection of the Taverna, the sleeping place, the flight area and the beer brand will not make any difficulty. After some frightening stories (paraglider and insects) one can sleep on the hidden secret beach. Or not. Apparent the tasty Gyros or generally fodder are given only in combination with rotten Ouzo. You are not asked. To quote Stefanie: „If ya gotta thow up on Ouzo you’ll probably have to thow up again“. Four kilometers south of Kathisma with Andreas's assistance we find the start lying on 320m in Kalamitsi. Departure place? Well, in Greece you shouldn’t be pickey. With a more or less open glider I thow myself (actually!) into the abyss. 50 minutes of blöbbering (yes this is a word!), weak thermals - daily work achieved. Snorkel trip afterwards. Do they have sharks here? [Stefanie]
While Franzi threw himself courageously from Kalamitsi and to the sharks, I enjoyed his flight watching from the beach. The next day looked promising. We drove to Kathisma - however by the weak west wind we didn’t expect much. Nevertheless, hope doesn’t die. Franzi started - however - a few seconds later, our hope died. „A Franzi stands at the beach completely quietly and mutely “. A new flight area had to come, or we had to move. We drove on to Exanthia, somewhat in the interior on 580m. This time I was allowed to play the crashtest dummy. I started, turned left - no lift, well then to the right - also no lift - ok then straightforward in direction of the beach. Cumulus clouds over me, sunny slopes under me, but what was missing somehow was the expected beep beep of my Vario. I arrived approx. 50 meters over the take off of Kalamitsi and there I did the same like Franzi the day before. Blöbbering around. For the following day the journey back to Ioannina was planned, therefore we spent the last evening with Andreas and Biene. Andreas told us about two further high-altitude flight areas in the proximity and we decided to drive by on the way.
On the way to Profitis Ilias we went past at a military area with a few monstrous looking ball-shaped buildings. At the take off unfortunately there was wind from the wrong side. Franzis idea of hopping through some boulders and bushes to the edge of a cliff to start there seemed a bit too risky to me. Hence we drove on to Katziki (=goatshit) Mountain. After 30 min of foot march this time Franzi unpacked his glider and started, turned two times and… landed - only where? In the middle of thistles and thorns with which he had apparently made friendship in the meantime. Which for me meant: Pack my stuff and retour to the bus. Still on the same evening we left for Skiadas.

[Franzi] Thunderstorms are such a thing. If one sees it from the distance, then they are impressive and beautiful. If one leaves his camping-chair including camping light outside, then they come along like hungry cats, thunder and flash dreadfully and make a song and dance about it. Then it is time to prove you are a man and to protect your woman. That implies remaining still for hours and counting the seconds between lightning and thunder. A placidly sleeping woman once again proves her boundless confidence into my maleness. If then the stupid rain does not stop during the next morning, one may confidently take the day off - and visit the limestone cave with stalagmites and stalactites. If in the next morning one must find out that the north wind threatens to thow a spanner in our flight plans then once it is allowed to be in a shitty mood. But life goes on and so we chase the road down to the 50k far Honopoulo. The mentioned area presents itself with a good road (that is not natural), a superlarge take off and… 30 km/h wind. Jipiee. Stefanie is dummy again and plays the game of champagne cork. The conditions does not appear completely koscher to me, particularly as she approaches the landing fields soon afterwards (although with mentioned wind velocities not so easy). After some seesaw I fasten the seatbelt on Stefanies much too small Antea. With bad overloading I make good groundspeed and can even climb in thermals, which are bombarding me from the flatlands. Only on the way back some doubts announce themselves, concerning the raving landscape. But even the toplanding functions. To two-hour obligation break (because of wind velocities grown again) we both fly in the evening light again and enjoy this very much. The large black clouds behind us are simply ignored. Good decision.

Hunted by the attraction of Vrachos we arrived in the late evening. Already in the morning hours some cumuli made us hit the take off and Franzi tried his luck - unfortunately futile. Somewhat later in the afternoon I tried the gambling game and could find lift after some struggling. Another unknown pilot started, but could not find thermals and had to land soon later, so I decided for a landing between small olive trees on the top – being as high as I was. Shortly after my landing the thermals were gone, so we drove on towards Vonitsa, where we were properly pursued by a bad thunderstorm. I could take refuge again into the protecting arms of my hero and had a calm sleep, I was only interrupted from time to time by Franzi, which counted, how far away the thunderstorm still was.

The mentioned glider by the way belonged to a particularly unfriendly swiss pilot - therefore his disappearance was not a personal tragedy to us. To the thunderstorm it is to be said that I once again saved our skins by steering the bus 30km in the wrong direction. What a hero I am! The next day gave an infernal east wind and thus we spent the day shopping in Lefkas. While Stefanie tried to reduce her traveling budget, I limited myself to observing the shopping-berserking tourists buffalos. (a “buffalo” is a person with German origin – not offensive .. well, a littlebit maybe, but not badly). Then we coincidentally tripped over a moped rental business, and 5 minutes later we already raced with 80 things over the island. There seem to be neither speed limits, nor lurching prohibitions, helmet obligation nor rules in the larger sense. If you ar not driving as if the devil was behind you, you are simply an obstacle, who has to be honked at. But you are honked at anyway in all possible situations. If you turn, if you are too slow, if you have your lights switched on or off, for greeting, for warning, for thanking or simply without reason. After this quite amusing Intermezzo we nested again on our secret beach. Good decision again.[Stefanie]
On the next day the strong east wind brought us a further day at the beach. Already in the early afternoon our grumling stomaches made us hurry to the Gyros-pump - however not without an excursion to the nearby Kathisma take off and…? Wind from west - strong enough to the soar? Ignoring the grumling stomach, Franzi swung himself into air and - jipiee - climbed. Shortly afterwards I accompanied him. After about one hour the hunger besieged us and we followed his demands to a Gyros in Aigos Nikitas.
[Franzi] Again a crappy, because stormy night with lightnings. Gradually I get accustomed to it. The continuous storm and the moving closer home travel date let us drive the remaining kilometers to Patra. A noflyday. Crap! But new day - new luck. Monsignore Omblos is found soon and gives us a last mad flight day. Pursued by the wasps I start on 700m into the west flank - and climb away! Despite the supraregional east wind I am slowly shifted towards SE. On 990m it’s over. The 1000m won’t actually let me! I land top and Stefanie hits it. She constantly looks for her mobile phone during the whole flight and besides climbs to over 1000m. That can’t be! After her toplanding highly motivated I start again… and fall. Rowing hectically I fall to 480m (LP on 200m). Shit! I loudly articulate swear words, when for the second time in this vacation a tender lift brings me back from the swamp. Slowly and deliberately I rise back to take off height. The lift drives me away from the mountain. I circle in direction SW in one climb meter, thus towards the next mountain. But the lift has other plans. On 1000m it suddenly changes direction to NE. Very strange, but as long as I’m climbing, I don’t care a lot about the direction. On 1400m I shoot some pictures and a small video, meanwhile between Patra and the Omblos. With this height one could fly easily over Patras and land in the port, would that be a fun! But rather tired of life also. Only with a T-shirt on in the meantime I am polarbear cold, so I exercise downwards. With that opportunity I can do the delicate part of the test program. At the fifth attempt I finally manage to topland. In due time. At the point Stefanie wants to start the wind turns. And each further flight project unfortunately is defeated. Which cracks our mood a little. But who wants to nag. Stefanie shows me a dead bird spider. Very well, the last night before the ferry. Nevertheless I sleep like a baby. (It’s not that one should be afraid of spiders! ; -)) [Stefanie]
As Franzi already noticed, during the whole flight I searched my mobile phone, which was ringing under my butt. With the fear to lose a further mobile phone (third to be exact) on a flight, I dispensed with manoevers like depp spiral or wing overs - in such a way I was leisurely swinging back and forth between the lifts, and circled in the best falling. Hidden under the seat board I finally found the gadfly. On our last day we made a lordly act and bought 2kg of cat fodder which we scattered at the port for the many roaming cats.

After 32 hours of ferry one can be quite tired out. The fact that hardly off the ferry one hits the medunian thermals is a nice pun in German. (In English obviously not). However certainly quite nice. Clearly one can be shocked by the crowd of 200 Pilots. But half of them only wants to start, glide and land. Meduno presents itself from its brutal-ingenious side. Strong lifts with partly over 4m/s, toplanding only with big ears and wind velocities close of the trim speed. I am quite pleased, because so I test the ferry frustration away. At around 16:00 it’s time to departure home to the cat. Thank God Stefanie is in good shape and drives from 17:00 to 00:30. Good. As I said, you can’t nag!