
Cross Countries

We knew. We knew from the start that it was gonna be a long and exhausting jurney. That’s the price you pay for traveling the globe. (Of course – that and the plane tickets… :-)) But to get from Iquique to Railey beach in Thailand with stops in Santiago, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Ko Samui in two weeks is just the overkill. Believe me, you do not want to do it again. I have the impression I am slowly growing old. The luxury of a shower is growing more attractive than anything else. Should that worry me? I thought the journey would teach me the opposite?!

However, a few words to Buenos Aires: It’s big, it’s full of smog (in the evening you feel like a chain smoker), it’s full of poverty and generally full of people. On the other side it’s a fairly green city with a lot of nice people. And the artists quarter is very very nice. Haha, and we stayed at my punk cousin’s. What a funny choice of lifestyle. I understand. In the end – I was her age only 6 years ago. That’s when I realized that people do change. But no offense – thank you for taking us Maria!

Kuala Lumpur, as expected, was overwhelmingly modern and refreshingly asian. As we only had a day we were chasing around the city like mad. And dropped dead in the evening. What a cool city!

Bangkok .. well Bangkok is Bangkok. Whoever has been there will return. In fact, for me it was Bangkok 2. Shop till you drop. But even more than shopping and the low price of living I enjoy the asian food. I have to admit – South America is beautiful. But the food… meat around the clock. Here in Thailand its fried rice, Vegetable soup, glass noodles and porridge. You just have to love thai food. Not to mention the Thai people. Nice, calm, friendly. Why does it feel so home here?

New Years turned out to be great. With some troubles and more than one forced change of plans we arrived at Railey beach just in time. Finally, after almost 2 weeks of huzzle we could unwrap our staff and spill it over our room. And celebrate a fantastic, romantic and beautiful New Year. And now? Now time is standing still. Off to a new year. Jipieeeeee!

2 Kommentare:

Evgeny said...

ahaha :)))) nice photos!!
but why is a tity-grab not allowed???!!! what kind of crazy country is that!!? :D
i also like the bag out of a crocodiles had! :D LOL

Marion said...

Hi ihr beiden!

Die Fotos sind einfach genial! @Stefanie: hast du ein Fußpeeling der besonderen Art genossen? ;)

Bin schon gespannt ob und wo ihr in Thailand fliegen werdet!

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